Offer customers an integrated package of solutions and services
to fully integrate ICT and internet in their business processes
and to facilitate adopting them to changing business requirements
so that their business objectives will be realized more efficiently.

Welcome to AbitMORE

AbitMORE logoThank you for visiting AbitMORE's website!

To give you an idea of the kind of content that you'll find within this website, here is a summary of its content:

  • The SCM section includes information about our services and solutions in the area of Software Change Management.
  • Details about the internet facilities we offer and our internet know-how can be found within the Internet section.
  • Within the ICT section you can read about the various flavours of ICT services and solutions that we offer.
  • We welcome experienced professionals for various opportunities in the work with us section.
  • Should you be interested in recent news related to AbitMORE, consider visiting our news section.
  • The about us section contains various types of background info, such as our core competencies, our history, some references, etc.
  • In case you're interested in learning more about the technology behind this website, you may want to look at the website pages.

Apart from the content areas mentioned above, you may want to look at some of the quicklink topics, such as:

  • the site map, for overview of all pages in this website, togther with a list of available RSS feeds.
  • the contact us page, includes our contact info and an option to contact us via this website.



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